Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Punkpodcast 6 The Bat Cast

Here is episode of the Austin Punk podcast. No theme to this episode except pure punk rock. Here is the list of bands that are on this episode.
Lower Class Brats
The Grinding Wheels
Rogers Porn Collection
Scary Mondelos
Tokyo nights
Bowler Boys

If you have a band and you're in Austin send me a link or MP3 to
Hell even if you live somewhere in Texas I am likely to play it.

Austin Texas Punk Rock Podcast:

Subscribe by pasting the xml URL into iTunes( or
other podcast player) (Here)

Or use the iTunes Music Store Link Here

Got an Austin punk band or comments - email Contact

Until Next episode



Anonymous said...


Another one !

Good Job phil !

Can we have more of Shriner Threat??

Keep goin'

jere - french listener from the origin...

RadioRadioRadio said...

Wow, you have a listener! The french must love your potty mouth. Filthy. (the fcc is watching you)