Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lost my cool and other shit

Ok not really.
But I finally got my copy of the Hex dispensers My love is a bat 7" back. I travelled last year to montreal and ended up buying a hex dispensers 7 " while I was there. How weird is that.
Anyway on the way back, I had no real way to carry it so I let my friend RadioActive carry it with her records. Well she and I never could remember to ask/bring it when we met up. Finally got it and listened to it. Bad Ass is all I can say, If you can find it buy it. Its on Alien Snatch Records, and was limited to 500.
Side A is the highlight " My love is a bat" but side B is no slouch. Cloak and Dagger Complication. The Art is fantastic, like all Hex dispensers stuff.

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