Tuesday, March 06, 2012


I am a big snacker, and when switching to raw, I really needed to find a replacement for my favorite snack foods. Cheez-its are definitely one of those. not nips. That is a poor example of a cheese cracker. Anyway, This recipe is super simple and super delicious. Soak your nuts, minimum 4 hours, preferably overnight. add one bell pepper, ( red will give you a better more cheez-it style color)
1/2 cup each of Cashews, Macadamia nuts. you can go with a full cup of either but I like the blend. 1 medium to large bell pepper 2-3 dashes of Celtic sea salt some Cayenne pepper to taste. I like em spicier. some filtered water for consistency if needed. The bell pepper should have enough liquid but sometimes to get it to blend you need to add a little water. Place all in blender and blend.
Spread mixture onto a teflex sheet. I use a cake icing spreader. All those years working behind the counter in the Kroger bakery payin off. :)
Dehydrate for ~ 4 hours, flip over and pull off the teflex sheet and score them into squares, dehydrate for another 4 hours.
Eat. Yum.

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